Wednesday, May 20, 2009

The New Baby-sitter

I've heard you cant teach an old dog new tricks......(even though Lexi will never be "old")

Wouldn't it be great if you never had to deal with "people" and your day was filled with animals and children? This is a photo of "tummy time" where little Fi loves to lay out on a blanket, roll around and to look at all the fascinating and "non" child proof items we have in our house. When I lay Fi out on her blanket, her puppy (Lexi) lays down and slowly crawls over to her. I just watch and wonder what each thinks of the other one. I cant wait until Fi gets a little older and then things should get interesting. (I also hope that Fi loves animals as much as her mommy! Fi already has a list of animals that she has asked her daddy for....she wants a pony, some baby chicks, a rag doll kitten and a pet pig.... Daddy doesn't yet realize it, but mommy has it all planned out that when mommy really wants something, all she has to do is have Fi ask Daddy for it, because he wont be able to say "No" to his little girl (the pet pig is really for me)

My next task is to figure out how to run with both a dog and a jogging stroller. Anyone out there have any advice on how to do this? All of my previous runs (Pre-baby) were with Lexi. All I have to do is get out my running shoes, and she's by the door and ready. Now, I have to sneak out of the house and dress in my business attire and hide my running clothes............ I think that first it would be of great importance if I wasn't "accident prone" or such a Klutz. (I've been known to trip over absolutely nothing...and remember it has been the mommy who has worn poop as an accessory many times, and daddy NEVER has) I really think we would be fine out on a run if we didn't encounter another squirrel, rabbit or any other furry animal. And, if this does happen which do I let go of? The dog leash? The stroller emergency strap? And do I have to start to put emergency information inside my underwear??

I'll keep you posted as to what happens when I finally decide to run with both the dog and the baby. Until then, I'll be labeling my underwear with contact information "In case of emergency"