Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Day with Mommy

Yesterday was such a beautiful day (and today is even more so, but that's because I'm at work of course!) and little Fi and I hit the Wobegon Trail and listened to the crickets chirp, birds sing and awed at the barns, swaying grasslands and it was just us and nature. Fi was awake for the whole 5 miles that we ran (or moreso I ran and if I stopped to walk, Fi would let out a "Awwkk!" which translates to "Get your post-baby butt in gear mom and keep running!") If anything, this child will bring me back down to my own birth weight of 6.3 pounds. Amazing how little children have the knack to know right when you are finally sitting down to eat for the day. This is the time that they choose to scream, spit up, scream some more, and scream until the big crocodile tears flow uncontrollably. Your meal becomes cold, and by the time you can sit down and eat, the thoughts "Screw-it" scroll across your brain because you now realize it's too late to eat a large meal and you're too tired to get the fork from the plate into your mouth. I also never knew I would experience such excitement of being in bed before 10:00 on any given evening!

Yes, yesterday was a beautiful day, mommy and baby had a fun run, went out for coffee after the run and I was so happy that baby Fi was so happy all day long. As we sat in the coffee shop, little Fi talked and cooed and laughed at mommy at great length. I kept thinking "Oh what a big girl you are getting to be!" It wasn't until we got home and I looked at myself in the mirror that I realized that little Fi must have quite the sense of humor and what she was really doing was laughing at mommy and trying to give me a "heads up". I remember scurrying, trying to get out of the house (and all of us parents know how this goes...where's the diaper bag, do I actually have diapers and wipes in the bag, where's the pacifier??? among other questions of what not to forget when leaving the house) It was after Fi was all buckled in and I had the car packed that I heard a loud rumbling firing shot, followed by a big baby smile. So, after unbuckling the child, I encountered the biggest, messiest diaper (this is when she is her "father's" child) I have ever witnessed from this child. First, how can all this come from such a small butt?? Anyway, I apparently didn't look at myself in any sort of mirror when I left the house (and what new parent does??) but I must have had an itch and scratched it during the whole "poop ordeal". Yes, I ran with poop on my face, I ordered a Latte from the nice gal (and now I know why she was looking at me funny) and smiled and played the proud parent when numerous people came to look at Fi and me, with poop on my face...........

Moral of the story yesterday was "Poop happens" or in other words, "And that's the way the Bottle Squirts".

And, now when you look at the picture, you know what Fi was laughing at all afternoon. Mommy.