Friday, May 15, 2009

It's TGIF! And, the Baby Bjorn is still a Miracle!


Usually, TGIF had the meaning that it was the end of the work week and that "Happy Hour" would never come soon enough. My "Happy Hour" now consists of feeding the baby, wondering if supper is in the horizon, or will it be Doritos again at 10:00p.m., followed by a shot of wine to ensure fast sleep.........

Well folks, the "Miracle Baby Bjorn" did it's magic again last night. Upon the arrival of the 6:00 p.m. scream fest, I placed baby into the Bjorn and all crying ceased followed by a soft "Ahhh". Mommy and baby walked and danced around again until the magical time of 9:30 p.m and at 9:35, baby was in crib, fast asleep.

How many of you find that as soon as the baby goes down, one feels like they have just taken a hit of speed? My mind races as I think, "Oh...I want to watch that movie I've been dying to see", "Oh...I really want to sit and enjoy more than a sip of wine this evening" or "Do I finally get to eat?"...after all these tempting thoughts run through my mind it is the same prevailing thought that wins, of "I know I'm going to have to get up in about 2 hours, so if I watch a movie, I'll have to stay up, if I have some wine, I'll never get up and it's too late to eat and then I'll have dirty dishes I'll never get to wash" so I find myself going to bed to collapse for the night, only to do it all over again before I know it.

All of this becomes worth the dancing, the singing and continually walking around the house in circles looking like a complete idiot because every morning when I go into get that little baby out of her crib, she lights up with the biggest smile, coos and throws her arms out in the air toward me. (Or is that gas? LOL)

Enjoy your Friday and for those of you who can make that 5:00 Happy hour, raise your glass in the air and toast all of us parents who are home dancing around in a Baby Bjorn~