Wednesday, May 13, 2009

My first Blog Post

"Hello" or if you are a new parent "Goodnite!"~

As this is my first official blog post, I want to say "Welcome to the land of Parenthood" where there are no rules except these three:

1. Is the diaper clean

2. Is the baby fed and

3. Where's the wine bottle?

To tell you a little bit about myself and why I decided to blog it's easy! It's for entertainment value only. I laugh as I say this, because even if things are not funny during parenthood, one must laugh, or one will lose their minds. Now since you now realize how hard parenting is, and before you go any further, everyone put down their mouse, stop typing and call your parents to thank them, for now we know how hard parenting actually is!! How did our parents do it? I know my parents locked us outside to get us out of their hair on a nice summer day(s) and we never EVER dared say "I'm bored" or our parents would find something for us to do (that we would not have chosen to do ourselves). Oh, and Isince I am wandering down memory lane, my memory serves me with the answer of how parents did do it back then. They installed fear in us. It's a little thing called the "SPANKING". Everyone I know growing up got one and most powerful words uttered by a mother were "Wait until your father gets home." I also remember (and a tip of advice for you kids) that when Daddy did get home, never say "That didn't hurt!" during a spanking, because most likely the next one will be one you WILL remember because it hurt that bad.

All kidding aside, I hope you are enjoying parenting as much as myself and I also hope that these stories and daily events make you smile and laugh!

P.S. A requirement in reading this blog is to complete the following tasks before sitting down to read:

1. Ask your husband/wife to watch the baby for a "minute" (which you know is a big fat lie and you really mean "I won't be back until the child can sleep through the night" and/or "are old enough to watch themselves.")

2. Find the largest wine glass you own (yes, you know you don't even have to think about where this glass KNOW where the wine and the glasses are and have to make sure they are accessible with one hand, since baby is in the other)

3. Sit down and enjoy that first sip of wine (for it is the best, and it is usually the most you can enjoy since the baby will detect you are relaxing and will cry)

4. Laugh.