Thursday, May 21, 2009

My Daddy's "Speical Day"

First, I wanted to say "blksdhdfoiugljshh" translated from my language to mean "Happy Birthday Daddy!!" My Mommy and Daddy dont know it, but I got a hold of the camera and took this self portrait. I think I did a pretty good job considering I chewed on the camera between takes and had to fill my pants a couple of times. I never thought I'd get this picture taken with so many interruptions. Then there were the constant "surprise" interruptions where Mommy and/or Daddy would run in my room and make the oddest faces, babbling in some language I didn't understand, but nevertheless, I just threw them a smile to make them happy so that they would leave me alone for a few more minutes. They both are pretty easy to please and I find them very entertaining. Just for the fun of it, I have pooped on my mommy a few times, which as a result kept me pretty entertained for a while. One day I even watched her itch her cheek and she had unknowingly wiped poop all over her cheek. I smiled and laughed at her all day. She just thought I was cute, but I was really laughing at how oblivious she was to the situation.

Then there is my daddy. I try to tell him that things don't match that he puts on me and then there are the times that he looks so proud and dresses me in my P.J's for the day, thinking it's a cute "day time" outfit. I just smile at him so he doesn't feel bad. Poor guy, Mommy has to dress him too. My days with Daddy are pretty fun because he takes me to see Gramma and Grampa. I try not to spit up or poop on him, otherwise I miss out on catching up on the newest dish on the "Bold and the Beautiful" while daddy and Grampa are out on lunch. Besides, Gramma gives me a ton more kisses and makes sure that my ears are all straighted out. Thanks to Mommy and Daddy, I'll be able to use my ears as a permanent coat hanger someday.

Well, that's what I'm up to. I only have a limited amount of time since I have to get back to screaming and crying so someone comes in here and holds me. Laying on your back all day is a tough job. And besides, I feel the urge to poop.

Bye Bye (and apparently there is a waving gesture I have to learn with this word. I don't think it's the finger gesture mommy uses with daddy, but rather a full hand gesture where you swing your whole hand back and forth......)