Wednesday, July 7, 2010

How the Heck Are Ya?

Hello Again! Wow, time flies when you're having fun! I'm finally back and have been very busy experiencing "firsts" such as many filled diapers (Did you know if you swallowed a pebble that it comes back out the same way?) many experiences with the projectile vomiting (I always wait until my mommy has me or until we're in a public place...."Run Mommy RUN!!!") I've also started to take a few steps but it's a lot of work to think about having to walk all by myself....besides, I like to give my mommy and daddy a good workout!

Let's see...I should tell you that even though my daddy said I cant date until I'm 85, (or he's dead) and that I'll never have my own cell phone or that I have to stay little forever....... look at me now!! I"ve already got my own cell phone, Gucci sunglasses and my mommy takes me to Starbucks everyday (oh, I forgot that was one of those "Dont tell Daddy" things...that's another thing we'll talk about later...that mommy is so funny..." )

So, sorry it's been so long but I PROMISE to keep in touch often! You have all been missed and I'll keep you tuned in to the "Adventures of a Toddler" (which possibly includes what my first swear word will be...I'm trying to narrow down the ones I've heard so far and which one would be the most fun to say)

~Toodles and Love, Little Fashion Diva in Training

Friday, August 14, 2009

My Mommy's Pretty 'Lil Flower

Whelp, here I am, all sprouted up and everything. My mommy keeps calling me her "Pretty little flower" but what in tarnation is a flower? I guess I must be one since I'm growing, I'm pretty and I'm fertilized all the time.

I just don't know where the time goes. I'm not sleeping the days away anymore and in fact I make sure to stay awake as much as possible when Mommy or Daddy have me for the day. I've decided they are are just too much fun and I don't want to miss anything. My newest game that I've discovered is throwing my pacifier out of my crib onto the floor, or pretty much throwing that thing anywhere I can to watch my mommy and daddy scurry to pick it up off the floor. My daddy always makes sure to find the nearest faucet and rinses it off thoroughly and wipes it so nice and shiny. (I think it makes it easier to throw farther next time.) My mommy however after picking it up (for the 20th time in a row) looks around and then blows on it, tells me not to tell Daddy and plops it back in my mouth. She's always saying something about the "5 second rule"...that must be why she scurries to pick it up so fast.

Lets see.......besides that, the other newest thing I'm up to is making ice cream. The other day, mommy was changing my diaper and making those gagging noises again. When I noticed she exclaimed we were out of wipes, that to me was the perfect indicator to poop. So, I held my breath, grunted really hard a couple times (man that is really hard work you know) and mommy had to catch it with her bare hands. She said I was like a little ice cream dispenser, so I guess I made ice cream.

Just wanted to drop by to say "Blllllpttttttttt" and I'll be back after I get this sitting up thing mastered. I mean really, how many times do I need to be propped up in the corner of the couch to get my picture taken. I would think that my hint of falling over after 2 seconds would put an end to that game (Here's me getting my picture taken in the corner of the couch...seriously, enough pictures already!)


Friday, July 17, 2009

Been Busy These Days

Hi Everybody!

Missed everyone! I've been so busy (as you can see) and have so much to tell everyone! First, how do I look in my sportin new shades? My mommy says that if you wear shades you look pretty cool, and my dad says if you wear shades (what? My dad's sunglasses are always broken! He always says Mommy did it, but his head is as big as my exersaucer...)

If you tune back in, you can find out about my big day at the zoo, what I know about Baby Einstein and what funny things my mommy and daddy have been up to. They think that I'm not paying attention to what they are doing, but I keep track. I'm not going to be one of those kids that's embarrassed later in life by dumb photos of me in flame retarded outfits, like my Uncle Pat was when he realized his school picture were in the same sweat suit three years in a row. Psst.....I'll share that photo later on if I dont get a good Christmas present this year.

Well, I have to go because it's time for another outfit change. I dont know why it's such a big deal that I drooled all over this new pink outfit...I've seen Mommy drool plenty of times after she's been up with me all night. I thought everyone drools, just like "Everyone Poops" (which is a great book by the way, and apparently, no one poops like Daddy! (ask him about a Seafood Buffet sometime)

That's all for now, and I've got to go sport these shades!

BBBBBllllllllllllllppppppppplitttttttt! (Which means "Stay cool" in baby language)

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

I have learned the the phrase "Dont tell Daddy" will be somewhat of a staple in my converstions from now on............................

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

"Let Me Tell You Something....."

"UMMMMMMMMMph!!!!!!" and "Bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb" ......See this nice white blanket and cream colored pillow? My mommy thinks I'm smiling and posing for yet another stupid picture, but lift me up and you'll find a nice brown spot. Man, pooping is so much work, but I sure do feel better when I get that last grunt out. I really don't see what the big deal is, but after I complete this little pooping routine, my mommy and daddy run very fast and before I know it, my daddy is holding me up in the air making some sort of I do after I spit up, and my mommy is trying to remove my pretty pink outfit telling me I wont be able to wear this one anymore, and something or other about "disposable clothing". My mommy and daddy are so funny. I am really able to recognize my mommy lately because she wears the same shirt so many days in a row and her hair kinda looks like mine. My daddy always wears the same clothes and smells pretty much like I do, so he's pretty cool.
Whelp, I just thought I'd drop a little note to say Hello to everyone, but I have to go before my Grandma realizes I left a little deposit on her nice blanket and pillow.
Until the next time, "Pllurrrrrrrrrbbbbbbbbppttt"

Wednesday, June 3, 2009


Sorry I have not been back to chat as of late. It seems as though the "lack of sleep" has caught up with me and I use all the energy I have to comb my hair and get dressed in the morning. I'm writing to you today to introduce you to a couple I know very well, my husband and myself. Meet Mr and Mrs. Troy Kalla. This couple used to enjoy going out on a weekly "date" night that consisted of hot wings, the newest Microbrew and gathering with many friends. They used to talk about how "tired" they were from work, staying out too late, enjoying one too many cocktails and then there was the late night movies they stayed up and enjoyed.

This couple waded through 10 years of joyful marital "bliss" before little "Fiona" joined the family. Mr and Mrs Kalla had no idea what they were in for and were naive about the whole "raising" a child process. Before little Fi was born, they talked of how they would not be one of those parents to "work" around a baby's schedule and would just take the baby with them everywhere and anywhere they went. They talked about how it was going to be so wonderful to keep "doing what they've always done" but now with a baby. I have one word for this couple.

Now, if you take a close look again and look close enough, you'll see the years of hairspray and even catch the glimmer of bobby pins in the woman's hair, and if you look at him, you'll see that his head is still as big, and will still not fit into a party hat, but rather instead, a large packing box. Yes, you are looking at how the effects of years of no sleep, constant nagging and never ever again having enough money to buy a pack of gum can age a person. This picture actually captures a happy day in the couples life where they found enough time to stay awake long enough to have this picture taken. The only hope we have is that they don't strangle each other with the hanging streamers in the background.

Cheers to those of you who find time to nap during the day or who can get a full nights sleep. This Bud's for you.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

My Daddy's "Speical Day"

First, I wanted to say "blksdhdfoiugljshh" translated from my language to mean "Happy Birthday Daddy!!" My Mommy and Daddy dont know it, but I got a hold of the camera and took this self portrait. I think I did a pretty good job considering I chewed on the camera between takes and had to fill my pants a couple of times. I never thought I'd get this picture taken with so many interruptions. Then there were the constant "surprise" interruptions where Mommy and/or Daddy would run in my room and make the oddest faces, babbling in some language I didn't understand, but nevertheless, I just threw them a smile to make them happy so that they would leave me alone for a few more minutes. They both are pretty easy to please and I find them very entertaining. Just for the fun of it, I have pooped on my mommy a few times, which as a result kept me pretty entertained for a while. One day I even watched her itch her cheek and she had unknowingly wiped poop all over her cheek. I smiled and laughed at her all day. She just thought I was cute, but I was really laughing at how oblivious she was to the situation.

Then there is my daddy. I try to tell him that things don't match that he puts on me and then there are the times that he looks so proud and dresses me in my P.J's for the day, thinking it's a cute "day time" outfit. I just smile at him so he doesn't feel bad. Poor guy, Mommy has to dress him too. My days with Daddy are pretty fun because he takes me to see Gramma and Grampa. I try not to spit up or poop on him, otherwise I miss out on catching up on the newest dish on the "Bold and the Beautiful" while daddy and Grampa are out on lunch. Besides, Gramma gives me a ton more kisses and makes sure that my ears are all straighted out. Thanks to Mommy and Daddy, I'll be able to use my ears as a permanent coat hanger someday.

Well, that's what I'm up to. I only have a limited amount of time since I have to get back to screaming and crying so someone comes in here and holds me. Laying on your back all day is a tough job. And besides, I feel the urge to poop.

Bye Bye (and apparently there is a waving gesture I have to learn with this word. I don't think it's the finger gesture mommy uses with daddy, but rather a full hand gesture where you swing your whole hand back and forth......)