Friday, August 14, 2009

My Mommy's Pretty 'Lil Flower

Whelp, here I am, all sprouted up and everything. My mommy keeps calling me her "Pretty little flower" but what in tarnation is a flower? I guess I must be one since I'm growing, I'm pretty and I'm fertilized all the time.

I just don't know where the time goes. I'm not sleeping the days away anymore and in fact I make sure to stay awake as much as possible when Mommy or Daddy have me for the day. I've decided they are are just too much fun and I don't want to miss anything. My newest game that I've discovered is throwing my pacifier out of my crib onto the floor, or pretty much throwing that thing anywhere I can to watch my mommy and daddy scurry to pick it up off the floor. My daddy always makes sure to find the nearest faucet and rinses it off thoroughly and wipes it so nice and shiny. (I think it makes it easier to throw farther next time.) My mommy however after picking it up (for the 20th time in a row) looks around and then blows on it, tells me not to tell Daddy and plops it back in my mouth. She's always saying something about the "5 second rule"...that must be why she scurries to pick it up so fast.

Lets see.......besides that, the other newest thing I'm up to is making ice cream. The other day, mommy was changing my diaper and making those gagging noises again. When I noticed she exclaimed we were out of wipes, that to me was the perfect indicator to poop. So, I held my breath, grunted really hard a couple times (man that is really hard work you know) and mommy had to catch it with her bare hands. She said I was like a little ice cream dispenser, so I guess I made ice cream.

Just wanted to drop by to say "Blllllpttttttttt" and I'll be back after I get this sitting up thing mastered. I mean really, how many times do I need to be propped up in the corner of the couch to get my picture taken. I would think that my hint of falling over after 2 seconds would put an end to that game (Here's me getting my picture taken in the corner of the couch...seriously, enough pictures already!)