Friday, July 17, 2009

Been Busy These Days

Hi Everybody!

Missed everyone! I've been so busy (as you can see) and have so much to tell everyone! First, how do I look in my sportin new shades? My mommy says that if you wear shades you look pretty cool, and my dad says if you wear shades (what? My dad's sunglasses are always broken! He always says Mommy did it, but his head is as big as my exersaucer...)

If you tune back in, you can find out about my big day at the zoo, what I know about Baby Einstein and what funny things my mommy and daddy have been up to. They think that I'm not paying attention to what they are doing, but I keep track. I'm not going to be one of those kids that's embarrassed later in life by dumb photos of me in flame retarded outfits, like my Uncle Pat was when he realized his school picture were in the same sweat suit three years in a row. Psst.....I'll share that photo later on if I dont get a good Christmas present this year.

Well, I have to go because it's time for another outfit change. I dont know why it's such a big deal that I drooled all over this new pink outfit...I've seen Mommy drool plenty of times after she's been up with me all night. I thought everyone drools, just like "Everyone Poops" (which is a great book by the way, and apparently, no one poops like Daddy! (ask him about a Seafood Buffet sometime)

That's all for now, and I've got to go sport these shades!

BBBBBllllllllllllllppppppppplitttttttt! (Which means "Stay cool" in baby language)